What Is The Importance Of Professional Teeth Cleaning?
According to an emergency dentist in Houston texas , no matter how thoroughly you clean and floss your teeth, you still won't be able to get rid of all the tiny food particles lodged in your mouth's deep crevices. When food particles get lodged between your teeth and gums, this is especially true if you have crooked or misaligned teeth. The collected food particles gradually transform into plaque, a white sticky substance that forms over 10 to 14 hours before becoming tartar. Tartar is impossible to eradicate, no matter how frequently you brush your teeth. It increases bacterial growth due to plaque and tartar production. Are regular teeth cleaning any different from deep dental cleaning? "Deep dental cleaning" and "teeth cleaning" are frequently used interchangeably. The two, however, have clear distinctions. Plaque removal and teeth polishing are part of a regular dental examination that includes teeth cleaning in Houston and dental cleanin...